Keith Glock

2019 NFL Predictions: Bears Regress & Packers Depress
By KEITH GLOCK CONJSports.com Founder @conjsports As the National Football League kicks off its 100th season on Thursday, it’s not difficult to find someone who …Read More

Eli Benched, Giants Fans Should Lose Their Minds – In Celebration
Dry your eyes, Giants fans. Put the Kleenex away. Your eyes are getting puffy. It’s not a good look. Yes you (pointing) – the apologist …Read More

NFL’s 2017 Second Half: What to Expect
The Cleveland Browns are the embodiment of why football is a different sport than any of the other “Big-Four” professional sports in America – that …Read More

The 2017 World Series: It Was Awesome, I Think
The second game of the 2017 World Series, will likely be lauded as one of the most entertaining in the history of baseball. That’s not …Read More